Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Trial Court Post-Koken Decision

In the case of Jocelynn Gingrich v Esurance Inc., Esurance Services, Inc., Esurance Insurance Company, Tyrone Brown and Susan Graci, No.08795 CV 2009 CV Dauphin County Common Pleas, Motorists Insurance filed preliminary objections to complaint which joined tortfeasor and the underinsured motorist causes of action under one caption. Motorists was the tortfeasor's carrier and sought to sever the claims.

Dauphin County Judge Todd Hoover by Order dated Nov. 2, 2009 denied the preliminary objections. I do not have a copy of that Order but I am sure one can be obtained by contacting the Dauphin County Prothonotary's office.

I thank Attorney Paul Oven for bringing this case to my attention.

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