Monday, September 21, 2020

Have You Heard of any Recent Post-Koken Decisions or Facebook Discovery Decisions?

Should you hear about or generate any Post-Koken decisions or any Facebook Discovery decisions, I hope and ask that you please email me a copy of the same in order that I may publicize those decisions here on Tort Talk for the benefit of all.

These areas of law continue to have a dearth of appellate decisions to provide any guidance and, as a result, it is important that the common law being created state and federal trial courts across the Commonwealth on these topics be compiled and publicized.

I will be sure to give you credit for sending cases for publication here on Tort Talk.  Also, if you wish to remain anonymous, I will honor that as well.

Thanks very much.

The Post-Koken Scorecard and the Facebook Discovery Scorecard have both just been updated and can always be freely accessed on by scrolling down the right hand column and clicking on the date noted under the title of each Scorecard.

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