Monday, October 26, 2015

Pa.R.C.P. 211 Amended To Reaffirm Right To Oral Argument On any Motion

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has amended Pa.R.C.P. 211, pertaining to "Oral Argument," to address a discrepancy between the former Rule 211 and recent appellate decisions on the right of a party to conduct oral argument on any motion filed.

The Amended Rule clarifies that any party, or any interested party, may have oral argument on any motion filed.  The Amended Rule also confirms that the court can require oral argument if none is requested by the parties.  Under the Rule, the court still retains the right to decide the matter without oral argument if all parties agree to the same.

Here is a LINK to Rule 211 as amended, and here is a LINK to the Explanatory Note.

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