Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tort Talk Expo 2011 Well Attended

The Tort Talk Expo 2011 took place last Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  There were 107 people in attendance, made up of plaintiff's attorneys, defense attorneys, and claims professionals.

In the first half hour, I presented the Tort Talk Top 10 (or so) Cases.  I followed that with a half hour presentation called "Take Me Out to the Ballgame:  Little League Tips for Big League Lawyers" in which I took common baseball coaching tips and applied them to the practice of law ("Hustle!", "Keep your eye on the ball!", etc.).

In the second hour, Dr. Lucian Bednarz, a physiatrist provided an Anatomy for Lawyers presentation focusing on neck and back injuries.  Also, Dr. Thomas Allardyce, an orthopedic surgeon, performed an IME on me for all to see how that process works.

The last hour was a View From the Bench.  During the first hour, retired Judge Thomas Raup and retired Judge Thomas Wallitsch, both of ADR Options, Inc., provided tips on how to improve one's chances for success at at mediation or an arbitration.

The second half hour had Judge Robert Mazzoni, and, appearing for the first time together ever on any CLE stage, Judge Terrence R. Nealon and his father, Judge William J. Nealon, providing the audience with tips on how to approach pre-trial settlement conferences.

The event was followed by a cocktail reception at the Breakers Bar in the Mohegan Sun Casino that was well attended as well.

I thank everyone who attended and hope you enjoyed the event.  I also thank the following table vendors who appeared at the Tort Talk Expo:

At the Scene, Inc.:

Courtside Documents:

Innovative Nursing Consultants, Inc.

Minnesota Lawyers' Mutual:

Northeastern Rehabilitation Associates:

Strategic Financial Planners:

Surveillance Professionals Investigations:


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