Thursday, June 2, 2022

New Monetary Limit for Rule 1311.1 Appeals From Arbitrations Set to Go Into Effect on July 1

In an Order that goes into effect on July 1, 2022, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will put into place a new rule amending Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1311.1 to change the maximum limit of what a plaintiff may elect as the value of damages that they can recover in a trial on appeal from an arbitration award.

Under the current rule, that limit was set at $25,000.

Under the new rule, the maximum limit will be changed to "an amount equal to the jurisdictional limit for compulsory arbitration of the judicial district in which the action was filed."

While different judicial districts have differing jurisdictional limits for arbitration, that limit is capped at $50,000 under Section 7361 of the Judicial Code.

Source:  Article:  "New Arb Appeal Awards Rule Aims to Reduce Apparent Defense Bias." by Aleeza Furman of the Pennsylvania Law Weekly (May 31, 2022).

Source of image:  Photo by Sasun Bughdarvan on

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