Thursday, October 20, 2011

Judge Terrence Nealon of Lackawanna County Addresses Various Issues in Water Damage/Property Loss Insurance Matter

Tort Talkers who do water damage/property loss insurance litigation might be interested in reading a recent Opinion by Judge Terrence R. Nealon in the case of Church of the Forgotten Souls v. NGM Insurance Company, No. 10 - Civil - 7078 (C.P. Lacka. Co. Oct. 6, 2011 Nealon, J.).

In this case, Judge Nealon denied an insured's Preliminary Objections to the insurer's counterclaim/third party complaint alleging fraudulent misrepresentations by the insured, applicability of policy exclusions, failure to cooperate in assessing loss valuation, and applicability of "other insurance" clauses.

Anyone desiring a copy of this Opinion may contact me at

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